This is especially relevant for small colonies, as colonists tend to be too busy to fix electrical circuits, or solar flare maybe? Always start diagnosing with simple tasks like checking power supply. There may have been an electric explosion recently that you totally forgot about. Set a freezing temperature No electricity If it still isn’t dropping below 0☌ – reduce more.
Start by setting to -2☌ and check the room temperature after about a minute. To solve this problem, all you need to do is build a cooler, click on it and set a preferred temperature by clicking -10☌ or -1☌. That is why the default cooler temperature is set on 21☌. The main purpose of them is to keep a nice and steady inside temperature, even during heatwaves. Coolers in this game aren’t meant to make a freezer. It really looks like you only need to build a cooler and it will “cool”, right? Well, not in RimWorld. Set the right temperatureīelieve it or not, but many new players struggle with setting a freezing temperature of a cooler. Here we have literally all possible problems and solutions for a freezer, which is not working like it should. Even long-time players can face a few difficulties. However, many new players often have problems building a fully functioning one. Once you start a new colony, a freezer has to take the top of your to-do list.
Freezer is one of the most vital things in RimWorld.